Monday, November 28, 2011

Setting the Stage for Why I'm Supporting Mitt Romney...part two...the issues...

To understand why I’m supporting Mitt Romney, I will first discuss the issues which are important to me and many of you. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but hopefully it will be enough to make the issues (and my position) clear.

Supreme Court Justices

We need a society where the role of the government is clearly defined. In many cases the elitists overstep their role and the Supreme Court becomes the arbitor. The role of the Supreme Court in making their decisions should be like that of baseball umpires. They should know the rule book (the U.S. Constitution) inside and out and they should make their decisions based on what is written in the rule book. They shouldn’t pick winners and losers and they shouldn’t make up new rules in the middle of the game. Democrats pick justices (umpires) who make up their own rules and pick winners and losers. Republicans usually pick justices who make their decisions based on what the U.S. Constitution says. Keep this in mind. If we elect a Democrat, we can be guaranteed we’ll have more Ruth Bader Ginsbergs, more Sonia Sotomayors, and more Ruth Bader Ginsburgs...if we elect a Republican, we have a chance at having more Antonin Scalias, more Sam Alitos, and more John Roberts.

The Environment

Our country, and its’ people, need to be good stewards of the environment. This means using the environment to benefit people, both now and in the long term. We need to consider the impact of our actions today on the environment of tomorrow. If we elect a Republican we can expect a reasonable balance between the needs of the environment and people - both now and in the future. If we elect a Republican, we have a chance we will drill for more oil and build more power plants here and be less dependent on foreigners. If we elect a Democrat, we can be sure the spotted owl, European Eel, and the Mediterranean Monk Seal will take precedence above humans. If we elect a Democrat, it will be more difficult to drill more oil wells or build more nuclear power plants.

States Rights

We need a president who believes there are limits to his power and the power of the Federal Government. Our government is based on federalism - political power is dispersed to states, counties, cities, and PTA’s. Part of the greatness of our country is the fact that our president (you know, the guy who acts like he's a King, Czar, or Emperor) doesn’t make all our decisions. Our country was based on most of our decisions being made at the state level. Over the past several generations Washington DC and the elitists (aka, our masters) have been taking more and more power away from the states - and the people. If we elect a Democrat, Washington DC (and the elitists) will take more and more power away from the states - and the people. If we elect a Republican, we have a chance that some of the power Washington DC has stolen from the states will be given back to the states. If we elect a Republican, there is a chance that decisions like education, housing, abortion, gun control, the gay agenda, and many, many, many other issues will once again be made where they should be - at the state level.

Foreign Policy

We need a president who is proud of our country and protects the interest of our country. If we elect a Democrat, we can expect more “The U.S. Sucks” tours. If we elect a Republican, we have a chance our countries interests will be protected.


We need a president who understands we live in a dangerous world with dangerous people and because of this we need the strongest military in the world. We need a president who will use the military sparingly and with specific objectives in mind. We need a president who believes it is unacceptable to commit our troupes to places like Afghanistan for 10 years.

We need a president who believes in SMART objectives for our military;

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time Sensitive

Here’s a SMART objective, “We will take out the terrorist training camps and the Taliban government in Afghanistan by January 2008."

Here’s a dumb objective, “We are going to turn Afghanistan into a democracy.”

War on Terror

We need a president who understands what terrorism is. It’s militant young Islamist men who want to kill Americans (and others from the west). It’s not little old ladies and young children getting on a plane during Christmas time.

The Economy

THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE IS OUR BUDGET - BORROWING $40 FOR EVERY $100’s WE SPEND WILL (AND IS) PUSHING THE UNITED STATES OFF A CLIFF. We need a president who is brave enough to balance the budget - right away. We need a president who is willing to do the following things - plus many others which I won’t get into right now:

1. Social Security and Medicare need to be fixed. The retirement age needs to be increased and only people who are needy should be given money. Also, NO MORE HOVERROUNDS!

2. Federal agencies need to be abolished (YES, ABOLISHED); the Department of Education (this is an oxymoron), the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Energy.

3. Federal Government Regulation passed by the administration should be voted on by congress when it will have a material impact.


Taxes need to be reformed with the following ideas in mind:

a. They need to ensure the United States has low corporate taxes to encourage investment at home.

b. Everyone needs to pay taxes so that income tax rates can be low.

c. Rates should be low and deductions should be eliminated.


By most estimates we have somewhere around 12 million illegal immigrants in this country - 12 million people who have come into this country without being invited. We need a president who will secure the borders. He should build a fence in some places, fly drones in others, and have military posts in other. He should work with states and localities to help round up illegal immigrants so they can be deported. There shouldn’t be any talk of amnesty. Why should there be? If you’re here illegally you need to get in the back of the line and wait just like everyone else. If we find you while you’re here you will be deported.

I’m done for now...let’s move on to the question at hand...

So why am I supporting Romney?

Coming next...a review of all the Republicans running....


Rich said...

Again I say: What is the proof that Romney will do any of the things you are hoping for? The Republicans have worked hand in hand with democrats to get us to the tipping point.

Constitutional government is what we need and unfortunately only one candidate is talking that way. I wish it was Rand and not Ron because Ron is too easy to ridicule and he is 100 years old or so.

I like Newt as a family man. I like Newt as a fighter. I like Bachman as a principled conservative. I like Perry as a gun toting Texan. I don't like Huntsman one bit.

The field is troublesome and choosing Newt as the best of the bunch may be the only choice but it doesn't mean we have to like it. We can hope for a miracle can't we??

Rich said...

I meant to say I like Romney as a family man!!!

Newt as a family man My Gosh!!

Rich said...

Newt Mitt whatever. And I do like Rick Santorum but he has a problem with likability as well....