Friday, November 25, 2011

Setting the stage for my support of Romney...

Our country has been on a long, and sometimes meandering, course towards neo-socialism and Statism since the time of Abraham Lincoln. Sometimes the course has been fast and furious; like during the times of FDR, LBJ, and Obama. Sometimes the course has been slowed to a crawl, like during the times of Coolage and Reagan; but there certainly cannot be any doubt we have been on course toward central control of the economy, and most other meaningful decisions, for a long time.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone - all societies, yes - ALL - have a tendency for the self proclaimed elitists to pursue the consolidation of power into their small cliques. All societies - from the literati in Dynastic China, to the Brahmans in Southern Asia, to the Dukes, Earls, and Barons in European Monarchies - have had a relatively small group of people (who arrogantly believe they have a “mandate from Heaven”) rule over the common people.

This historic tendency of elite control over the common people took a short hiatus - ONCE - and only once. The elite’s control over the common people took a short reprieve when OUR country - the United States of America - was created. A piece of paper, called the US Constitution, put controls over the central government. By putting controls over the central/federal government - it put controls on the self proclaimed elites in our society. The US Constitution made clear what the role of the federal government was - AND - (I would argue) more importantly what the federal government couldn’t do.

This piece of paper, The US Constitution, clearly states the Federal Government can’t make rules related to free speech, guns, religion, etc. The most powerful statement in The US Constitution is the 10th Amendment - it states, “The powers not delegated to the United State by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In other words, the federal government cannot make rules over the lives of individuals - except where the Constitution gives permission.

The 10th Amendment was a thorn in the side of the elites for a long time; but slowly AND surely the elites have used the Constitution to wipe their #$#@ for a long time. They disregard the Constitution and the controls and limits it puts on them!

We are currently in the midst of a fight - a fight between the elites and the commoners. Who are in the elite class? The main stream media; NBC, CBS, and ABC. The professors from the elite universities in the United States; Harvard, Yale, etc. The Board of Directors from the largest companies in the United States; Banks, Investment Firms, etc. And, of course, many politicians. These four groups have a symbiotic relationship - they work closely together to ensure they keep their elite status while they appease the commoners. In order for these elites to maintain their positions they need something - that something is taxes.

The elites need the commoners to send them enough in taxes to do two things - first and foremost - they need enough money to maintain their standard of living. But secondly, they need enough money to “give” benefits back to the commoners. Now, of course, the commoners are worse off - by funneling their money to the elites, the elites taking their cut, and the remaining money going back down to the commoners - the commoners lose and the elites win.

But why don’t the majority of the commoners realize this? Think back to the symbiotic relationship between the media, the universities, big business, and politicians. The politicians tell the commoners they need “shared sacrifice”, aka more taxes. The main stream media (who live off of insider access to the politicians) tells the commoners the politicians are correct - “the only way to survive is with shared sacrifice (more taxes)”. Then the professors (who receive grants/money from the politicians) tell their students - “the only way to survive is with shared sacrifice (more taxes)”. Then, even the “greedy” businessmen (who receive tax breaks from the politicians) tell their people we need “shared sacrifice”. By the way, these are not the owners of small businesses - they are big business who lobby politicians - and secure their position in the market place by putting regulations on their competition.

So, again, why don’t the majority of the commoners realize this? Because everyone they hear from is telling them the same lie. They are told they will be hurt if they don’t give more taxes to the elites. We are living during the “Kings New Clothes” times. The elites are attempting to swindle us - again - by making us believe an obvious lie. Only this time, if we allow it to happen - our children will be the one’s to suffer.

So what is the situation we now find ourselves in - as the elites have taken over more and more power? We are now on a very short trip to disaster.

The elites have put us in a position where almost 50% of American’s don’t pay federal taxes, while more than 50% receive some kind of federal payment. In a “democracy” or more accurately a “republic” is this situation sustainable? No, and that’s why we need a why have I decided to support Mitt Romney?


Anonymous said...

Yea, so why are you voting for Romney?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too, so why are you voting for MR... I'm waiting to read your reasons.