Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Save America Rally

 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Save America Rally πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Yes, I was there and I am proud to have shown President Trump my support for him and his love for America.

What did I see at the “Save America Rally”?

Let me first say, I did not meet everyone and I was not everywhere, but I did meet many great people and I walked around many places.

The people I saw, met, and talked to were nice people.  The Trump supporters I met reminded me of the people you might meet at a Cracker Barrel or Golden Corral or a New York Giants or Yankees game.

The people were not rowdy or violent.  They were nice people there to support a Great American President and to show their concerns with the 2020 election and the direction America is headed toward.

Now let me say, I have watched little “news” recently and so I’m not familiar with the latest misinformation coming out of the news and improved US Pravda.  I don’t watch or listen  because it feels too much like the Nazi and Soviet propaganda I learned about in the America I grew up in.

When I glanced at one article in my “news” feed it used words like “insurrection” and “mob violence” to describe the Save America Rally.

Insurrection?  Mob Violence?  Again, I wasn’t everywhere, but to suggest the rally I attended and observed was in any way shape or form engaged in insurrection is simply absurd.

Violence and insurrection is not conducted by the unarmed men and women I was surrounded by.

You say, “But Ken, you weren’t on the steps of the Capitol building where the violence took place.  It was a mob!  It was violent!”

To you I say, you are right, I was not on the steps, but do you remember the murder, looting, arson, violence committed over the summer?  Hmmm?  It took place for weeks, there was hundreds of millions of dollars of destruction, dozens of people died, cars and buildings were burned, statues were torn down, stores were looted, good American people of every race, color, and creed were terrorized by these VIOLENT TERRORISTS.

I also need to remind you what we were told about these VIOLENT TERRORISTS by our mainstream media.

We were told:  There is “social unrest”.  We were told “most of the protesters are peaceful protesters”.  We were told Black Lives Matters are peaceful protesters, but they have been “infiltrated by Antifa”.  In others words, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The NY Times, The Washington Post, and Rino Republicans like Mitt Romney differentiated between VIOLENT TERRORISTS and those people who were protesting against police brutality.

Ask yourself this, has CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The NY Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, The Weekly Standard, and the Deep State apologists made the same distinction between the Trump supporters I met and was surrounded by and the people who entered the Capitol building?

Of course not.  

The media is fomenting hate against peace loving Americans like me.  They label people like me and the people I was surrounded by as violent, hateful, insurrectionists, and dangerous.

The mainstream media’s actions and claims are totally absurd and dangerous to the safety of peace loving Americans. 

I am proud to have attended the Save America Rally.   Yes - Proud!  

I was there with thousands of Americans who love America!  It was a GREAT experience for me and tens of thousands of peace loving Americans.

The truth is, America needs to turn away from the road we are headed down.  The road of censorship, The road the Democrats, the media, and the deep state is leading us down is DANGEROUS.

As to the people who broke any laws at the Capitol.  They knew the consequences of breaking the law.

One person was shot and killed.  

Many have been or will be arrested.  

These people took action that 99.99% of the people at the Save America Rally never would have.  For sure, their  actions paled in comparison to the VIOLENT TERRORISM over the summer, but it was still illegal and should not have been done.

You will not hear me defend their actions, like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The NY Times, The Washington Post, and many of my liberal friends defended VIOLENT TERRORISTS over the summer.

Our country needs prayer and God’s Grace, because of what the Democrats, elites, and deep state are doing to our once great country.  If you know history, which I do, we are starting to live like the working class in Nazi Germany and like the peasants in Maoist China and Stalinist Russia (USSR).

God help us.  πŸ™

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