Monday, January 2, 2012

Would Democrats Sell their Mothers into Slavery?

Those of you who read my blog know I am a Mitt Romney supporter. Based on his experience, his political views, and his temperament I believe he has the best chance of beating Barak Obama. Based on recent news stories and polls it appears a plurality of Iowans agree with me; I say this because all indications are that Romney will win the Iowa Caucus(es). This is encouraging because it tells me Republicans won’t waste their votes on a protest candidate; it tells me Republicans won’t be “McCained” again; and it indicates that Republicans aren’t willing to play Russian roulette with America’s (and their children’s) future like they did in 2008.

By now, everyone knows why I’m for Mitt Romney but do you know why I am so passionately against Obama and the Democrats? No? Well, you’re about to find out.

Before I get into the details, I need to talk to my a-political friends.

I know you don’t follow politics, I know you find it boring, I know you consider all politicians to be the same, I know you believe they are all corrupt. I know all this, but you’re wrong, all politicians are not the same and all political parties are not the same! The Democrat and Republican Parties are different. The Democratic Party has evolved into the “America Sucks” Party and President Barak Obama is the “America Really Sucks” President. Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan is going to be “Yes, America Sucks but it would Really Suck More if I wasn’t president!” Because of this the Democrats need to be defeated at the poles in November.

My a-political friend - you are needed in this fight - yes fight! We need everyone who cares about this country and their children’s future to fight against the Democrats and Barak Obama!

The Democrats and Barak Obama have their hands on the lever and they are about to flush our country down the toilet!

Barak Obama and the leaders of the Democratic Party are more interested in power than in the present or future well being of the United States or your children. Democratic leaders like, Barak Obama, Nancy Pelozi, Harry Reed, Barney Frank, Rahm Emanual, David Axelrod, and many others would sell their mother’s into slavery if it meant they would stay in power. No, this is not hyperbole - they would sell their mother’s into slavery in exchange for becoming President, Senator, Representative, Secretary of State, or head of the FDA - well maybe not for the head of the FDA but for the other positions their mothers should consider skipping the next family get-together.

The leaders of the Democratic Party, with absolute complicity from the main stream media, manipulate the poor and the uninformed on a daily basis. These two groups, along with political and legislative payoffs to unions and well connected businesses, plus gerrymandering, have been enough for the Democrats to win election after election when their policies go against the common sense of all sensible people.

In case you’re not aware of this - our country is disintegrating financially. We need to take serious steps to get our financial house in order. We need to take these steps very quickly - our time is running out! Every serious person understands that fundamental financial change is needed if this country is going to be the “Shining city upon a hill” that Ronald Reagan once talked about. We don’t look like a Shining city right now - we look more like an Opium smoking drug addict and our dealer is China and Barak is lighting us up. We are addicted to borrowing their money and like a drug addict we need to stop right now. To stop our addiction to China’s money we need to grow up and act like adults - we need to control our appetite for spending. The changes which need to take place include the following:

 Tax Reform
 Social Security Reform
 Medicare Reform
 Medicaid Reform
 Immigration Control
 Unemployment Insurance Reform
 Nuclear Power Plants
 Oil Pipelines
 Oil Drilling
 Eliminate Federal Cabinet Departments

Obviously I haven’t gone into any detail related to these issues because I’d bore my a-political friends to death (I know, too late) but I will summarize them very succinctly. The government needs to spend less then it takes in through taxes. But why haven’t our political “leaders” made any of these common sense changes?

Why haven’t they made decisions to reduce spending on these issues?

Why haven’t they reformed taxes?

Why haven’t they allowed the Keystone Pipeline to be built?

Why haven’t they allowed any nuclear power plants to be built?

Why haven’t they made reasonable modifications to Social Security?

Why haven’t the controlled our borders?

Why? Why? Why?

The liberal media says it’s because the Republicans and Democrats refuse to work together. I’m here to say - nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is - it’s the Democrats that refuse to make these changes. Yes - the Democrats - and only the Democrats! It is the fault of Barak Obama and the Democrat leaders in the house and senate. PERIOD! The Democrats don’t want to make these changes. They have repeatedly refused to make any of these common sense changes.

Democrats do NOT want to reform taxes, they don’t want to reform social security, they don’t want to secure the borders, they don’t want to build pipelines, they don’t want to build power plants - in short - they don’t want to do anything that will help this country.

Why don’t Democrats want to help this country? It’s because, to a Democrat, it’s much more important to be reelected than it is to help our country and our children’s future. They have small cliques of constituents who don’t want these things passed and they know they can rely on the liberal media to cover-up their culpability in the matter.

If you doubt me on this - consider the Keystone Pipeline issue. Do you know the story about Keystone? If you don’t, let me know, I’ll give you the full, unadulterated truth. It’s the epitome of the liberal media covering up the anti-American Democrats at work - screwing American’s in exchange for the environmental freak vote.

So, in conclusion, yes, it’s true, Democrats would sell their mothers into slavery if it would keep them in power. This is why it’s important for the Republicans to nominate someone who can win - and why all you a-political people need to get into the game - our country and, more importantly, our children need you!


Anonymous said...

Wow ken! Do you really believe this?

Jim said...

Len, let me be the first to say I agree with you. My dad is a democrat and I try to tell him all the time the Democrats today are not the Democrats of his childhood. Obama is working to manage the downfall of the US. Jim

Anonymous said...

Ken - Rick Santorum is our man - not Romney - Romney will lose just like McCain - Romeny is too nice - he is not a fighter - he has no absolutes in his political stance - - Rick Santorum has character and he has fight - my prediction is Romney has less of a chance of beating Obama than Santorum - the democrats and the liberal media are waiting to pounce on Romney - and they will if he gets the nomination. Hang in there people and vote for Santorum - he's our best bet.

KMH said...

EAC, I could enthusiastically support Santorum and I was glad to see him do well yesterday...but I still think Romney is our best bet. But I do wish John McCain didnt endorce Romney...there are some people Romney shouldn't mingle with...KMH

Anonymous said...
