Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend in Review...(still under construction...I'm tired and going to bed)

The Weekend with the Linn's...

We went to the zoo on Saturday. In case you don't know - I LOVE THE ZOO!! When we lived in St. Louis we were members of the St. Louis Zoo - we were "Zoo Friends". This meant you paid about $100 and you got free parking, free train rides, and and and...I think thats it. But we used to go on a fairly regular basis. When the kids were young I would take them for the afternoon, we'd have lunch there and some Dip-n-Dots...then we were on our way back home. So when we were trying to decide where to take the Linn's I thought the zoo would be great...

One of the nice things about the Atlanta Zoo is there are a lot of trees and so you are almost always in the shade. It was a hot day on Saturday (about 96 degrees) but it didn't feel too bad...

One of the things i have found interesting over the years is how we classify the different animals. They call this the "genus" and so when I see an animal at the zoo I always ask, "What genus is it in?"

My favorite animals are the great apes...especially the gorilla's. Or as they are known by their genus - The Monkapeealotapus

Lions - from the genus Kittycatasleepicus

Orangatang - from the genus Eatabananalotacus

Kelsie and Ryan - from the genus Luvbirdsapithakiss

The Giant Pandas - from the genus Layaroundandpukebambooatonacus

Elephant - from the genus Poopthesizeofamountainacus

After the zoo we went to a Civil War Museum. Cameron and I have an ongoing debate over the Civil War. He thinks it was illegal for the South to secede from the Union...I say it was legal. We asked this man at the museum...I wont' tell you who he agreed with BUT it's amazing how uninformed these Civil War re-inactor people are... ;) He was from the genus - Hedontknowhistoryatallacus!!!


Shay, Mooms and D said...

That is a pretty gynormous butt.... and who is that man you and Cameron are talking to?

Sheri said...

I told you not to use that word Shayna!

I had nothing to do with this post people, just remember that! lol

kelsie said...

excuse me !

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a son dissed by his mother like your mother just dissed you! Ouch!!!

Shay, Mooms and D said...

I didn't see no dissing going on what did I miss?

Rich said...

Of course the "reenactor" would consider secession illegal. Lincoln trampled the constitution to stop the secession. Get Cameron to read a real history of Lincoln and he will change his mind. The states agreed to join the union and they can choose to seceed if circumstances warrant it. Too much politics for this blog. I will go back to my "genom" "politicaljunkiebloviatoris"...

All about Us said...

I am really wondering if this is the same ryan that lives in your neighborhood or a different one. If it is a different one does Kelsie have trouble getting them mixed up.I thought there were just two boyfriends. this could throw a wrinkle in it

Sheri said...

shayna, review the process.