Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend in Review

My blog has been down for a few weeks due to technical difficulties - my charger for my camera is gone...I lost it while I was organizing everything in my house a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure I put it in a very safe place...I'm sure I labeled it...I'm sure I put it in alphabetical order...I'm sure I put it in a place where I would NEVER AGAIN forget where I put it...the only problem is - I DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT PLACE IS!!!!

Yes, I would love to blame the missing charger on Kelsie...or Cameron...or my cleaning lady...or the cat...but I can't...I've decided the only thing to do is to follow Barak Obama's lead...IT'S GEORGE BUSH'S FAULT!!!! I only hope President Obama has included money in the stimulus package for lost camera chargers!! Yes, I know...I know...if I accept federal funds there will be strings attached to it and ultimately my kids will have to pay for it. Yes, I know Obama's economic policies don't make sense to any sensible economist...but hey...who cares...if he wants to give me money for my lost camera charger...I'll take it...

Alright...I don't know what caused me to go off on that little tangent...maybe Obama's insane/irresponsible spending, outrageous regulation, and unprecedented involvement the private sector has gotten to me...sorry...

Now back to my Weekend in Review...

Our close friends...the Klaus'...have come for a visit. We originally planned on going to Myrtle Beach but that didn't work out and so we decided we could have a better time staying in Georgia...and so we did stay in Georgia...and we have had a better time...

On Sunday we drove to Poole Mill Park which is located about 30 minutes from our house. It's a very nice public park where you can picnic, swim, and slide down the slippery rocks. In my opinion a more appropriate name would be "Break Your Neck Park". We had a great time but it's amazing that no one was hurt...here we are getting ready to slide down one of the rocks...

Now...I think it's important for me to address a question I'm sure everyone reading this blog has. In an earlier blog I mentioned that NO ONE, YES NO ONE, has ever seen my feet...which is 100% true! But I'm sure you are now asking, "Ken(ny), how is it possible for you to go swimming without anyone seeing your feet?" First let me say...it's not easy...but it has a lot to do with foot positioning...angles...shade...sand...dirty water...and well timed distractions. Let me also say...I've never said that portions of my feet have never been seen...they have; a flash of my big toe...a glimpse of my my pinkie toe...a brief, indistinct vision of my toe nail fungus - YES - this happens all the time...but full foot nudity...NEVER...it has never happened!!! Ask anyone, "Have you ever seen Ken(ny)'s feet?" And they'll say, "Yes, of course I have...ah wait...yes, I think I have...wait, let me think...actually I don't think I ever have seen his feet..."

So how do I do it??? Wait...I can't...I can't tell you my secrets!!!! Just like a true magician doesn't share his secrets...I can't share mine!! But notice in the picture above and below...notice the precise positioning of the feet...is it a coincidence you can't really see my feet???? NO!!! This is by design...I am very in-tune to my surroundings especially when my feet are exposed...I know precisely where and when pictures are taken...and I make sure a clear shot at my feet is impossible...paparazzi - eat your hearts out!!!!!...

Later on Sunday we went to the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater to see 38 Special, REO Speedwagon (I'm Gunna Keep On Lovin You), and STYX (Come Sail Away)...it was GREAT!!!

We got there early to get good seats...

Here's REO Speedwagon...

On Monday we rented a boat and went tubing on Lake Lanier...here's Ron and Vicky soaking up the sun with Kelsie and Hannah being dragged behind...

Here's Cam and me FLYING across the water on the tube!!!!! ...don't let the lack of waves fool you - WE ARE FLYING!!!! ...sure a lack of waves usually means the boat isn't going very fast...but not in this case...Cam and I are NOT wimps!!!! We are rough and tough and we are FLYING across the water!!!!!

I let Kelsie drive the boat for while...here's Kelsie looking at a cute boy on a passing by boat while she was "driving" the boat...that's me behind her looking at Ron about to get run over by a boat Kelsie just cut off...

A thunder storm came in around 2:00 pm and so we had to call it an early day...

On Tuesday we went to Six Flags...here are the kids with Buggs...

Here is Sheri and Vicky...

Here's Cam going on a Roller Coaster...sort of...

Andrew Klaus and Cam after riding on Thunder River...

Hannah and Kelsie on the swings...

Here is Cameron on his favorite ride with Andrew...the swings...

It was a very hot day 95+...Vicky and I purchased drinks to cool off...Ron finds panting to be a much better way to cool his body...

There's more excitement to come...


Anonymous said...

It looks like you and your friends are having a great time. Is your panting friend the same friend who visited New York with you?

Anonymous said...

I don't know who said my dad's feet aren't ugly but I'm sure it's someone who has never seen his feet.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have been pacing my posts, you are trying to scoop me aren't you?!?!? don't tempt us with trying to get a picture of the feet btw.

Anonymous said...

btw, are you no longer blamine claudia for the loss of your charger?

Anonymous said...

Ken, glad to see a new blog this morning. Good for a laugh. Looks like you all are having a great time.

Anonymous said...

it's about time you updated!!!

Anonymous said...

Unclekenny,I can zoom in on the pictureand see your feet.they are not that ugly

Anonymous said...
