Sunday, November 18, 2007

More pictures from "You Can't Take the Bronx Out of the Boy"?

What is Philip saying in this picture?

1. "Paparazzi, get back I'm not in the mood for more pictures!"
2. "You ate my cheeseburgers? Prepare to die!"
3. "Yes, it's true Kenny, I do love Sheri and I'm willing to fight for her!"
4. "You threw out my Spiderman's go time!"
5. "Yea, I like to check out the chicks walking got a problem with that?"
6. What do you think he's saying?


Anonymous said...

Of course #5


Rich said...

Mom; it's the meter maid, quick move the car!

Anonymous said...

Philip said "NO" when I read him the possibilities & then laughed. I think he might be telling Gena, it's my TV and I'm watching GSN or I didn't break the window sash AGAIN while I was checking out the interesting people, who wave at me while passing by. Mom

Anonymous said...

"I've got such a weggie"

Anonymous said...

I agree with my mom... it's #5! :)

Anonymous said...

your odd


Anonymous said...

Who, me? Odd? Who are you anyway? ;)