Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Explosive Excerpts from - You Can't Take the Bronx Out of the Boy

I will not hold anything back from my life story - it will tell the good, the bad, and the ugly of my how I was mistreated by my father!


Anonymous said...

I don't believe you dare to share the skeletons which we have so far kept hidden. What will people think? Your ever suffering Mother APH

Anonymous said...

This was done before services - I hope you got down on your knees and asked for forgiveness. Your long,long,long suffering parent.

Anonymous said...

That sounds verry funny but that is not how grandpa is he would never do that. he did that beacause he loves you and he wants to have fun with you.
~ Tommy

Anonymous said...

Tommy,you are an angel. You have such insight. Love, Grandma