Tuesday, September 18, 2007

OJ, Dumbing Down America, Race Relations

The next media frenzy has just begun. Like network television in recent years has drifted away from sitcoms and dramas to “Reality TV” shows our news networks (especially the cable news networks) have drifted away from covering real news to covering stories like OJ I, Lacey and Scott Peterson, Anna Nicole, Natalie Holloway, etc., etc., etc. Now we need to prepare for OJ II.

These tragedies do warrant some coverage by the media, but they do not warrant 24/7/30/365 coverage. It always concerns me the way the media covers these stories because, in my opinion, they contribute to the dumbing down of America. These “news” shows are like video games for children – sitting in front of the TV for hours and hours seeing and hearing the same things and receiving no physical, mental, or spiritual benefit. Furthermore, as an American and self proclaimed political junky it is frustrating when these stories replace the important political stories (which really do impact our lives) in newspapers, on TV, and on the radio. However, my concern with the coverage of OJ II goes to another level because just like OJ I the media is sure to give a forum to the politicians and activists who will turn this tragic American life story into something it is not – a story about the current status of race relations in America.

Before we allow ourselves to get caught up in the OJ II frenzy and before we allow the media, politicians, and activists to tell us how terrible the people of the United States are let me say this – the United States and it’s people, ALL OF THEM, brown, black, white, yellow - are GREAT! We are not perfect and there are always things we can do to improve ourselves but make no mistake about it we are the most compassionate and caring people in this world – no exceptions.

I challenge anyone to find a society - anywhere in the world and at any time in history - where so many people of different races live together in harmony like we do in the United States. This is not to say everything is perfect between the races – but why should we expect them to be perfect? Are relations between any two individuals perfect? Are relations between brother and sister, husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter always perfect? Of course not and therefore we should not become discouraged when they aren't perfect between larger groups of people - we just need to continue to work, in our own way, to improve our relationships with everyone.

Saying that race relations aren’t perfect is far from saying they are bad. Day in and day out we live our lives without a conscious thought about the “types” of people we interact with and are surrounded by and, amazingly enough, most of the interactions are positive. It is only when we listen to people who make their living by creating divisions between people, i.e., the media, politician, and activists that we start to believe race relations are bad and will never get better.

It is my experience – and I believe the experience of the overwhelming majority of people in the United States – that we do all get along. In my life, the stores and restaurants I go to are staffed by people of all races, my co-workers are people of all races, my children go to school with people of all races, my family attends church with people of all races, and I am friends with people of all races – and life is good and I would have it no other way! Life between individuals of other races is nothing like the media, politicians, and activists suggest.

My advice to everyone is to continue to live your life like you do – follow the golden rule and treat people the way you want to be treated – and ignore the media, politicians, and activists – because they are just trying to stir up division to keep themselves in business.

I hope this prepares you for what we will be experiencing in the coming weeks of OJ II. Now you can go back to watching your reality TV show.

Any questions?


Sheri said...

Here's my question: Are you saying I have been "dumbed down" b/c I do like an ounce or two of OJ II coverage? :) you are right on target with your analysis of what our lives are like; interacting at all locations with people of different races and life IS good. I would have it no other way either.

Anonymous said...

Well said and well written. Sorry Sheri, two minutes is enough on each show. Living in NYC is an experience like no other. If you were to listen to the media we are sitting on a powder keg - it couldn't be more different. The majority of residents are friendly and respectful of one another. How about those Yanks? APH

Anonymous said...

Well said Ken!

Papa@home said...

OJ II is going to do more for race relations than anything since MLK Jr. See the recent poll of how blacks and whites view OJ II at New Poll on OJ II and Race Relations