Whenever I hear a speech from any of the democrats who are running for the democratic presidential nomination it seems that all their ideas involve taking my money and giving it to someone who will vote for them…I am getting sick and tired of this!
I don't mind when my money (taxes) are used for public goods and services; items like roads, bridges, police, the military, etc., and I don't even mind when my money (taxes) is used to help people who cannot help themselves; like the mentally or physically handicapped...BUT, BUT, BUT I am getting very tired of my money (taxes) being used to get democrats elected. Furthermore, I am very tired of democrats promising they will put their hands in my pockets to take my hard earned money to give to their constituents!
I'm tired of democrats promising to put their hands in my pockets to give it to other people for healthcare, childcare, daycare, nightcare, and all the other cares they can think of. I'm also sick and tired of them telling their constituents they have a right to my money...they like to say they are taking my money (and giving my money to others) for entitlements. I am so sick and tired of people taking my money for other people's entitlements! When will people be told they are entitled to work and pay for it (all of the its in the world) with their own money – not mine.
You know what democrats and their constituents remind me of...they remind me of a movie I saw when I was very young...a movie that scared me to death...it was a movie about semi lucid people who live off of other people (just like the democratic party’s constituents), who had an insatiable appetite for other people and their stuff (just like the democratic party’s constituents), and they never stop…they never stop…you think you have them defeated and they will leave you alone but they don’t they just keep attacking you and your stuff…(just like the democratic party’s constituents). Please watch the attached video and imagine the people saying, “give me your money, give me your money, give me your money” and you will understand what I am sick and tired of…